Senior Military Leader Tar Bone Kyaw said that it is necessary to prepare to build the country

CNI News

19 August 2022

If countries come out with the revolutions accelerating and Myanmar cannot be built as a true union, Ta’ang (Palaung) people should be prepared to build the country, General Secretary of the Palaung State Liberation Front (PSLF/TNLA), Tar Bone Kyaw said.

He said as above in the interview with PSLF/TNLA’s press office that aired on August 18.

Senior General Tar Bone Kyaw said, “Political tide will rise. Depending on the geopolitical situation, current world political situation, if this country cannot build even a Union, it will break into pieces and scatter into small countries.

That’s why, we Ta’ang (Palaung) people also need to think about this thoughtfully. And we need to prepare carefully. At the time when this Union is actually built, we also need to prepare ready and make efforts to protect our ethnic group, our people as a state. If it is not like that, a Union cannot be built and countries will come out with the revolutions speeding up due to the geopolitics, world politics and necessity, we also need to prepare to be ready to build our country.”

 PSLF/TNLA troops

Currently in Myanmar, Tatmadaw declared the country a state of emergency on February 1st, 2021, with the reason that Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy (NLD) formed a government without resolving the 2020 general election ballot dispute.

After that, starting from the opposition of the Tatmadaw and the protests asking for the reconstruction of Democracy, it widens to the armed revolution. So, fights have been taking place in Sagaing, Magway, Kayin, Chin and Kayar.

However, there have not been wars and it has been stable between Ta’ang (Palaung) armed PSLF/TNLA, that have been active in Mogok-Mongmit district, Shan State (Northern) and Mandalay, and Myanmar Tamadaw.

Although wars had been taking place daily between Myanmar Tatmadaw and TNLA until February 1st, 2021, the fights are now at peace.

Union Peace Conference

PSLF/TNLA is on the way of armed revolution in order to get Ta’ang (Palaung) area and to obtain autonomy.

Senior General Tar Bone Kyaw from PSLF/TNLA said, “we are doing this armed revolution for autonomy, to attain National equality, this kind of opportunities. That’s why our autonomy and personal freedom plays quite an important role for us. So, we are doing this revolution. If that problem cannot be solved, the same problems will continue, the cycle of coup will continue.”

Then, if a true federal union is to be built, it cannot be built only by focusing on the eight ethnicities; Kayin, Chin, Kachin, Kayar, Mon, Myanmar, Rakhine and Shan, it will be a true federal union only if the rest of the ethnic groups are also considered as equals. Otherwise, equality will not be practical, and the other races will just exist as the second class only after the eight major races.”