CNI News

18 August 2022

SAC Chairman Senior General Min Aung Hlaing said on 16th August that the SAC had set two political objectives of implementing the multiparty democracy system and building a federal union.

“We are trying to achieve peace. Those who understand this come to peace talks while those who do not are still complaining outside. We have already held talks with 10 organizations. I held talks with the SSPP a few days ago. Everything was successful. I asked them if they could agree on the multiparty democracy system and building a union mandated to exercise federal power and they all agreed on them. We will meet for the second round of talks. We are trying to meet again this month. We will hold talks with all ten organizations as a whole and we will meet again in September. Then, we will try to sign agreements with them. I could not say how long it would take. As we have reached fundamental agreements, I think there is no reason not to achieve peace. I can’t understand why some EAOs cannot realize this.”

Snr Gen Min Aung Hlaing meets RCSS Chairman Gen Ywek Seik.

He added that if efforts were made based on the two points with the aim of promoting the affairs of the national races and the union, there was no reason not to achieve success.

Maj Mai Aik Kyaw, a spokesperson of the Palaung State Liberation Front/ Taaung National Liberation Army told the CNI that it was impossible to achieve peace in the entire country as the SAC did not invite some groups currently fighting with it.

He said, “The SAC invited EAOs, which are not engaging in armed clashes with them at present. However, they did not invite People Defence Forces, which are launching major battles against them. If they really wanted genuine peace, they would have to deescalate fighting and talks would be inclusive. So, they have left some groups and talks are not inclusive. Peace will never be achieved in the entire country, I think.”

  The UWSA vice chairman and Snr Gen Min Aung Hlaing.

So far, seven EAO signatories to the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement and three non-signatories have joined the peace talks invited by the SAC chairman.

Nang Yin Yin Soe, a spokesperson for the Peace Process Steering Team, which is made up of the seven signatories to the NCA, told the CNI that the PPST would uphold the principles in the NCA.

She said, “We accept the concepts of non-antagonistic and antagonistic contradictions. Now, we are now following the non-antagonistic trend, which prefers dialogue. If we followed the antagonistic trend, which clearly divides the line between the two sides and expands armed conflicts, those who would suffer would be the people. As we have chosen the path to resolve political issues through political means, we can actually reduce the daily losses of lives and property of the people by contracting war and expanding dialogue.”

 NMSP Chairman Naing Aung Min meets Snr Gen Min Aung Hlaing.

She also added that all EAOs should take the sufferings of the people into consideration.

Since the military coup on 1st February 2022, armed clashes have broken out between the military and the alliance of EAOs and PDFs in Karen, Karenni and Chin states and Sagaing and Magway regions.