CNI News

 22 July 2022 

Splits within the Karen National Defence Organization (KNDO) do not bode well for the interests of Karen people, Chairman Mahn Aung Pyi Soe of the Karen National Democratic Party told the CNI. 

After Maj-Gen Saw Nerdah Mya announced the formation of the Kaw Thoo Lei Army on 19 July, the Karen National Union (KNU) issued a statement dismissing him on 20 July. 

The Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), the armed wing of the KNDO, also announced that it would not recognize the splintered faction. 

    Statement for formation of the Kaw Thoo Lei Army.

Mahn Aung Pyi Soe said, “We are disappointed and sad. An armed organization has splintered into different factions. We have already learnt the history of the KNU, which had splintered into factions previously. The faction led by the Sayadaw broke away from the KNU and formed the Democratic Karen Benevolent Army, which again splintered into the KNLA-PC, the BGF and other factions. Such splits do not augur well for Karen people. Not only the Karen but also other ethnic groups should be aware of this. Such divisions and disunity are not beneficial for the people.”

The Kaw Thoo Lei Army led by Maj-Gen Saw Nerdah Mya said in a statement that the KNDO led by chief of staff Maj-Gen Saw Shee Lei is one of the signatories of the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement with the Tatmadaw and has posed difficulties for their movement.


  Statements issued by the KNLA.

The statement added that the Kaw Thoo Lei Army stands as a people's army of Karen ethnic group and will defeat the Tatmadaw until the victory of the revolution has been achieved. 

In response, the central executive committee of the KNU announced after its meeting on 20 July that it dismissed Maj-Gen Saw Nerdah Mya and the KNU would not be held accountable for his actions. 

Mahn Aung Pyi Soe told the CNI, “I am wondering whether it would be easy for them to hold negotiations among themselves. As such, I don’t know there might be further splits like the San Aung faction and the Kyaw Thet faction, who had broken away from the DKBA in the past. If they can negotiate among themselves and reach agreements, we will be happy, but we are worried about the situation.”

Current Karen armed organizations include the KNU, the DKBA, the KNU/KNLA-PC and the BGF.