CNI News
25 March 2025
Rakhine people still have no ability to accept the reentry of the Muslim refugees from Bangladesh when it is difficult to rebuild Rakhine State, U Myo Kyaw from the United Nationalities Alliance (UNA), told CNI News.
The Arakan Army's revolution still is not finished; even if it can control all the territories in Rakhine State, it will be difficult for the AA to implement the processes it has to, so in a situation like that, asking the AA to take responsibility to accept the Muslim refugees won't be easy, he said.
" The AA hasn't finish this revolution up to now. It has to capture Sittwe, Kyauk Phyu and Manaung. If it can control the entire Rakhine State, it has to stabilize, build administrative mechanism systematically, carry out for the people's livelihood, healthcare, education and so on. There will be difficulties. If international community help, it might be convenient. And if the AA even gained its sovereignty, which countries will provide assistance to it? When there are difficulties to build Rakhine State, if it is asked to take responsibility to make the refugees re-enter, I don't believe Rekhine people have the ability to accept the re-entry of the refugees." said U Myo Kyaw.
While seeing Muslim refugees and the UN Secretary General
The UN Secretary General Guterres visited the Cox's Bazaar Refugee Camp together with head of the Bangladeshi Government, Mohammed Yunus last week. During the trip, Yunus said the Muslim refugees would be sent back to Rakhine State.
He believed that it was necessary to discuss with the AA to enable the refugees to come back to Rakhine State, said the US Secretary General Guterres on 15 March.
However, to enable the refugees come back to Rakhine State depended on the Myanmar government and local authorities, said Tohib Hussain, advisor for the Bangladeshi Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
It was necessary to reach an agreement after discussing among organizations concerned to enable the refugees come back to Rakhine State, U Khun Sai who is taking part in the peace process, told CNI News.
" Even though there was an agreement with the SAC, if there was not an agreement with the AA, the repatriation of the refugees would not be implemented. In my opinion, if the repatriation of refugees is related to human rights and humanitarian reasons, the AA could not refuse. It is necessary to reach an agreement among the AA, the SAC, Bangladesh and the refugees after they discuss. All the stakeholders will need to participate, I think.”he said.
Due to the battles that broke out in Rakhine State in 2017, the number of Muslim refugees who fled to Bangladesh was just less than one million, reported the Myanmar government.
However, the number of Muslim refugees was 1.2 million, reported the UN.