CNI News

14 March 2025

Although the period when elections would be held has been revealed, major political changes are unlikely to occur in 2025, military and political analysts told CNI News.

If political changes were wanted, both sides would need to open the way, U Khun Sai who is taking part in the peace process, told CNI News.

"Currently, there is no prospect of political change. But political changes are wanted, both the Myanmar Tatmadaw and revolutionary organizations need to open the way. If they wait for each other, this won't make the way." he said.

While seeing the SAC Chairman during his trip to Belarus

The SAC Chairman has said that elections would be held and the State power would be handed over to the winning party since 2021 when it took the power, but it has not been implemented as yet.

However, the SAC chairman expressed that the SAC had planned to hold elections in December 2025 or in January 2026 during his trips to Russia and Belarus If elections were held at present, they were not able to represent all the townships and all ethnic groups, U Myo Kyaw from the United Nationalities Alliance, told CNI News.

While the anniversary celebration of the NCA was being held

" They had announced that they would hold elections since they staged a coup d'état. The state of emergency was repeatedly extended every six months. The SAC said that they would hold elections in late 2023, but it wasn't able to hold elections. Now the SAC Chairman has said that elections will be held in December 2025 or in January 2026. We understand he said what he wants. They understand that they can't do it. So, the UEC is trying hard to hold elections even in one-third of townships in Myanmar. Even if elections could be held in these townships, it can't represent ethnic groups and most townships." he said.

Because battles have become more widespread throughout the country during the past four years, how the SAC will be able to stabilize the entire country is being questioned by military and political analysts.

The SAC would have to take the responsibility for the security so that elections can be held, they pointed out.