CNI News

7 March 2025

Armed organizations in Myanmar were so reluctant to give up arms because they could easily make money with arms, chairman of the Tai Leng (Shanni) Nationalities Development Party (TNDP) U Sai Htay Aung told CNI News.

"Armed groups are very reluctant to give up their weapons because it is so easy for them to do business with guns. To tell you frankly, they are shouting federalism and democracy, but not really. Their actions are proving that they really don't want federalism and democracy. Love the country not the individual. I would like to request them not to seek their own interests, using something like the personality-cult. I see no reason why peace should not be achieved if there is less selfishness and love for the country is united." said U Sai Htay Aung.

While seeing armed people

Currently in Myanmar, battles are severely breaking out between the Myanmar Tatmadaw and armed groups, and during the battles, armed groups have seized control of more than 90 townships including the Northeast Command and the West Command.

The SAC has invited armed organizations to meet and discuss and so have the Three Brotherhood Alliance, but other armed organizations haven't invited to hold peace talks.

It was very rare that a political problem could be resolved by force of arms; it was difficult for armed organizations to accept the SAC's invitation and discuss because the SAC was supposed to be weak, said U Sai Htay Aung.

While the NSPNC and political parties were discussing

" In fact, it's very rare that a political problem can be solved by force of arms. They took up arms because political problems could not be resolved. But these problems must be resolved at the roundtable. The SAC invited each armed group to hold talks shortly after the coup. Currently, the SAC has invited armed groups again. But armed organizations will hardly come. Because the SAC is weak, they are disrespectful towards the SAC and they think they don't need to go. "In order for dialogue to take place and for national peace to be achieved, I would like to say to all these organizations, first of all, to reduce pride and love the country," he said.

The SAC discussed with the MNDAA and the TNLA. However, the discussion between the SAC and the TNLA was not convenient.

Mutually respect among the nationalities caused the cooperation between the two sides, and after reducing misunderstanding and conflicts, they could be resolved through discussion, the SAC Chairman had said.