CNI Interview

3 March 2025

Peace talks are being held between the Myanmar Tatmadaw and EAOs in order to end the armed conflicts that are taking place in Myanmar with China's brokered engagement. 

However, EAOs are expanding territories and demanding the territories while the Myanmar Tatmadaw has maintained the 2008 constitution and doesn't accept the demands.

Colonel Khun Okkar, chairman of the PNLO-NCA/S, was contacted and interviewed by CNI News regarding the above-mentioned situations.

CNI News: The Myanmar Tatmadaw has maintained the 2008 constitution. EAOs are demanding territories, but the Tatmadaw can't give them. So, it is said that peace can't be made. How do you think it should be done?

While the NCA was being signed on 15 October 2015

Col. Khun Okkar: We can made peace only when political agreements are reached through political dialogues. Because preliminary negotiations are being held for peace at present, EAOs are expanding territories and demanding the territories. 

But the SAC can't give the territories under the 2008 constitution. But the United Wa State Army (UWSA) and the National Democratic Alliance Army (NDAA) have gained territories without being consistent with the 2008 constitution. 

Negotiations might be conducted kind of. So, the constitution might be amended or something like that in order to officially give territories under the constitution. in order to be able to do so, the current armed conflicts must be reduced so that political results can be produced.

CNI News: In the ceasefire discussions, there were demands that ceasefires must be conducted and offensives must be stopped at once. But the Tatmadaw doesn't seem to accept them because suspension of offensives is tantamount to giving territories. So, ceasefires are short-lived and battles are still resuming. How do you think they should be negotiated?

While seeing Chinese Special Envoy Mr. Deng Xijun and the SAC Chairman

Col. Khun Okkar: In my opinion, the requirement for troops from both sides to stop where they arrive is not often included in ceasefire agreements, both domestically and internationally. That you say forces from both sides must cease fire at the places where they have arrived is because that you have had the upper hand. 

But both sides have to separately reconsider the deployment of troops after the ceasefire. We have to separately discuss the deployment of troops in the NCA. With the ceasefire alone, you can't take the territory where you have arrived. If you do so, it will be problematic. 

It's necessary to draw a grid line  to surround the territory that can be controlled by a side. A demilitarized zone is also needed. Saying that,the forces from both sides must stop where they have arrived, if you arrived first or if where you have arrived is beyond your region, you make a profit. The other side won't accept it. It's necessary to separately discuss the deployment of troops.

CNI News: The NCA agreement also includes international witnesses. Why is the NCA being violated even in this situation?

Col. Khun Okkar: It's because any NCA signatories don't carry out in accordance with the NCA. From the government, the government, Hluttaw and the Tatmadaw signed the NCA. As EAOs, chairpersons, secretaries and commanders in chief signed the NCA. 

The reason why the NCA was violated - the government has collapsed. Hluttaw is no more. The Myanmar Tatmadaw alone is left. Some NCA signatories announced that they resigned from the NCA and they violated the ceasefire. 

While the 8th Anniversary Celebration of the NCA was being held

The NCA's intentions are very good.  Although some NCA signatories said that they have maintained the NCA's intensions, they don't comply with the NCA. The agreement is prestigious. Hluttaw has approved it. If all NCA signatories abide by the agreement, discussions could be convenient.

CNI News: As the NCA on which international witnesses signed was easily violated, can the agreement between the Myanmar Tatmadaw and an EAO be easily violated? If this happens, what will happen to peace in Myanmar?

Col. Khun Okkar: it can be easily violated. Later, China intervened in the ceasefires. China was included as a witness. We'll see how much China can save the situation.

The NCA has six witnesses and they are the UN, the EU, China, Japan, India and Thailand. 

But if an NCA signatory violated the agreement, how it will be taken action against is not included in the agreement. So, the witnesses are not responsible to interfere and warn. We requested to empower witnesses to interfere and warn if problems arose. 

The dialogue groups under the Thein Sein government did not accept it at that time. So, some NCA signatories violated the agreement, we don't know who to complain. If there is strong evidence that an NCA signatory violates the agreement, how will it be taken action against? We need a strong third force. For example, in the previous Kunming discussions, if China collected data, agreements could be a little stronger.