CNI News

27 February 2025

EAOs no longer want democracy so much, chairman of the Arakan Front Party (AFP) Dr. Aye Maung told CNI News. Some EAOs have expressed that they want the confederation level that is beyond democracy while others have warned their people to get ready to establish new countries of their own if the country fall apart.

So, according to the current political and military crises of Myanmar, federalism should be implemented as soon as possible, said Dr. Aye Maung.

" EAOs no longer want democracy so much. Wa (UWSA) is ruling its region with the one-party system. The AA has said that it will go with the unitary union system. Practically, EAOs will surely take self-governance and self-determination. It is the goal of all armed organizations rather than democracy. There is no democracy in the Wa region. It's the system that is led by only one party. But there may be democracy within the party or social democracy. So, we sholud implement federalism as soon as possible if we understand military and political crises." he said.

While seeing the UWSA

Region-based federalism must be used and it was the most suitable in implementing democracy and federalism, said the SAC Chairman Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing on 10th September 2023.

It is not enough for ethnic groups to simply demand self-governance and the right to shape their own destiny; they must govern the people democratically, spokesperson of the United Nationalities Alliance (UNA) U Myp Kyaw told CNI News.

"We cannot accept the idea that when others rule, you will revolt and then you will become dictators when you rule. Ethnic groups demand self-governance and self-determination. It's not enough for them to simply demand these things. To serve the people, they must be given the right to choose. So, democracy must be used surely. We must continue to revolutionize the dictator who became a dictator by revolutionizing the dictatorship. Some people will accept the dictatorship if the system" benefits them," he said.

While seeing former chairman of the KNU and chairman of the RCSS General Yawd Serk

The Arakan Army (AA) has expressed that it wants the confederation as the lowest level and the establishment of the Rakhine country at the highest level while general secretary of the Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) Major General Tar Bone Kyaw has warned the Palaung people to get ready for the establishment of their country of their own if needed.

Ethnic groups would think beyond federalism in 2025, said Lt-Gen Gun Maw, vice chairman of the KIA, during his meeting with Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing and Daw Aung San Suu Kyi.

The UWSA and the NDAA have built separate administrative systems and are existing independently and they are outside democracy and federalism, pointed out military and political analysts.