CNI News
27 February 2025
Wa (MNDAA) and Myla (NDAA) have acquired territories without being consistent with the 2008 constitution and used different administrative systems, chairman of the PNLO-NCA/S, Col. Khun Okkar told CNI News.
Because the State Administration Council (SAC) is ruling the country under the 2008 constitution, when EAOs demand the territories that they have attacked and captured, it is impossible for the SAC to officially give the territories for the sake of peace, some people pointed out.
Although the SAC is ruling the country under the 2008 constitution , because it has allowed the Wa and the Myla to rule their regions with different ruling systems, which are questioned by some people.
According to the 2008 constitution, territories cannot be given to EAOs, different administrative systems have been given to the Wa and the Myla groups. In the long run, amendments could be conducted to give territories within the framework of the constitution, said Col. Khun Okkar.
While seeing the SAC Chairman and the 2008 Constitution
" Peace can only be achieved through political agreements that emerge from political dialogues. Because there are just pre-negotiations, EAOs expand territories and are demanding the territories to officially give them. But according to the 2008 constitution, the SAC can't give them. But the Wa and the Myla have different administrative systems. It's not consistent with the 2008 constitution. Although territories cannot be given according to the constitution, as there are things that have to be let go somehow, negotiations might arise. So, in the long run, the constitution could be amended in order to give territories officially. The current discussions are not on the same level. Some groups talk about territories. It is related to the constitution. Other groups don't accept the constitution. Ceasefire is needed so that these two cases can be discussed anymore." he said.
Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing urged armed groups to renounce weapons; he would not comply with the demand of armed groups using armed means; they would have to run the election and demand officially from the Hluttaw; armed groups were trying to gain power regionally; so, the SAC would have to continue to wage the war, he said.
While seeing Lt-Gen Ko Ko Oo from the Myanmar Tatmadaw and Vice Chairman of the TNLA, Lt-Gen Tar Jock Ja
Those problems could not be resolved by fighting and it was necessary to resolve by dialogue, U Khun Sai who is taking part in the peace process, told CNI News.
" These problems cannot be solved by fighting. A problem cannot be solved by saying this is my country or my territory because those who can't give territories will fight back. The best way is to solve with dialogue. Rather than a debate, dialogues should be held for peaceful coexistence. If the problems are solved by armed means, the World War might end, Myanmar war cannot end." he said
The Myanmar Tatmadaw and the MNDAA signed a ceasefire agreement with China's brokered engagement, said Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Miss Mao Ning at the regular press conference on 20 January 2025.
After the ceasefire agreement, the MNDAA forces must retreat from Lashio, and Kutkai, Theinni, Kunlong and Laukkai Districts have been designated as the Special Region-1 by the Myanmar government; said an administrative official from the MNDAA on the Chinese New Year Day in video file which spread on social media.
In the same way, the Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) and the Myanmar Tatmadaw discussed in Kunming, China on 16th and 17th February 2025, but the discussion ended without any results.
There were reports that the TNLA demanded to officially recognize 16 townships that it has captured during Operation-1027 as the TNLA's townships in the discussion.
At present, the Myanmar Tatmadaw has lost control of the Northeast Command, the West Command and several hundred military camps including over 90 townships.