CNI News

26 February 2025

Political parties needed to have negotiated in advance in order o better shape federalism and democracy, vice chairman of the National Democratic Force Party, U Htet Aung Kyaw told CNI News. 

The public's trust in political institutions is declining federalism and democracy because they are only using federalism and democracy for organizing purposes, pointed out some people.

At present, political parties and the National Solidarity and Peace Negotiation Committee (NSPNC) are negotiating and although several agreements have been reached, only when Hluttaws could be convened, could amendments be conducted. So, they have not have been carried out at once, vice chairman of the NDF U Htet Aung Kyaw told CNI News.

While the NSPNC was discussing with political parties

" They just talk about federalism and democracy to make people like. But they can't be put into practice. As part of a solution, we (political parties) discussed with the NSPNC. 43 points of agreements have been reached.  These agreements must be submitted to the Hluttaw, which are amendments to be conducted only in the Hluttaw." he said.

The NSPNC and the Working Group of the political parties discussed on 23rd and 24th Jabuary 2025.

43 points were agreed at the discussion and the point ' Myanmar is formed as a Union based on democracy and federalism' was agreed to enact in the constitution. Seven points were under discussion and there were more submissions to amend, said chairman of the People's Party (PP) U Ko Ko Gyi at the press conference on 26th January 2025.

Political organizations and figures were responsible to put federalism and democracy into practice, chairman of the Arakan Front Party (AFP) Dr. Aye Maung told CNI News.

While seeing political parties and the SAC Chairman

" Federalism and democracy - democracy was talked about. Federalism was talked about by ethnic groups. The mainland talked about socialist democracy. In this way, it's been almost 80 years. These two words were used for organizational purpose only. But thsese words were not put into practice. For that, we'll have to put blame on political figures and institutions." he said.

Better implementation of better federalism and democracy could be conducted by negotiation among political parties in advance, said vice chairman of the National Democratic Force (NDF). 

" If all the parties that are running in the election now have negotiated in advance, we'll have a bolder federalism. By coordinating in advance among all political parties on how they will shape up after the upcoming elections, we can achieve a better federal form, a better democratic form with political essence, I think." he said.

However, at present some EAOs want one-party or unitary union systems rather than democratic system, pointed out political analysts.