CNI News
27 January 2025
Ayeyarwady Region is, according to the military strategy of the Myanmar Tatmadaw, very important, spokesperson of the United Nationalities Alliance (UNA), U Myo Kyaw told CNI News.
In the border areas of Bago Region, Magway Region and Ayeyarwady Region, which border Rakhine State, battles are severely breaking out between the Myanmar Tatmadaw and the Arakan Army (AA), reported the AA on 20th January 2025.
The coalition forces opposing the Myanmar military might strengthen their cooperation and Ayeyarwady Region is, according to the military strategy of the Myanmar Tatmadaw, very important, spokesperson of the United Nationalities Alliance (UNA), U Myo Kyaw told CNI News.
"Now, in the revolution, the Arakan Army is very far ahead. The people from other States and Regions trust and rely on the AA and cooperate. When they cooperate, in cooperation with the AA, armed groups staying near Gwa, Taung Goat and Ann Townships and opposing the State Administration Council are fighting against the Myanmar Tatmadaw. Their cooperation may be strong. Ayeyarwady Region and Yangon Region are chiefly important to the administration and existence of the SAC. Ayeyarwady Region is, according to the military strategy of the Myanmar Tatmadaw, very important. If the SAC lost control of Ayeyarwady Region, it would be overthrown, I believe." said U Myo Kyaw.
While seeing the AA
Battles have been breaking out between the Myanmar Tatmadaw and the AA around the Ann-Padan Road since 11th January and battles are breaking out in some places of Ayeyarwady Region adjacent to Rakhine State and near Chin Su Village, Yegyi Township, said in the AA's statement.
The AA reported on 23rd January 2025 that it would step up its offensive soon for the liberation of the whole Ayeyarwady valley in Magway Region.
There needed to have military alert in Ayeyarwady Region, said Vice Sr-Gen Soe Win, Deputy Chairman of the SAC during his trip to Pathein on 27th December 2024.
While seeing Yekyi Town, Ayeyarwady Region
The rice market could become chaotic if military operations were stepped up and lots of IDPs could enter Yangon Region; it was necessary to find an answer for the peace by discussing, chairman of the Arakan National Network (ANN) U Tin Htoo Aung told CNI News.
" If the military operations were stepped up in Ayeyarwady Region, the rice market may be chaotic. The transportation between Yangon and Ayeyarwady Region will be more difficult. Moreover, IDPs from Ayeyarwady Region could enter Yangon Region. Both the SAC and the AA have announced that they are ready to discuss politics. It's necessary to put their announcements into practice, sponsored by powerful countries." said U Tin Htoo Aung.
Because battles became severe in the places of Ayeyarwady Region adjacent to Rakhine State, locals from Chaungtha and Shwe Thaung Yan Beaches fled to safety since 19th January and there have been over 20,000 IDFPs now.