CNI News
23 January 2025
The National Unity Government (NUG) would quickly win the victory only if it cooperated with EAOs, Dr. Hla Kyaw Zaw, a Myanmar-China affairs analyst, told CNI News.
Because there were many Bamar people in the NUG, if we could form an alliance with ethnic armed groups, it would be better, she said.
" Most members of the NUG are Bamar people. Bamar people alone can't succeed. Operation-1027 has given a lesson to us. Victory can be achieved quickly by joining forces with ethnic armed groups. It would be better if we could form a coalition of revolutionary forces. Simply appointing ethnic people to positions will not solve the problems. If you give a Shan national a position, all Shan people will agree. If you give a Karen national a position, all Karen people will agree. It's impossible." said Dr. Hla Kyaw Zaw.
While seeing the TNLA
By involving leaders from ethnic alliances in the NUG, the revolution could be spread more widely, said Duwa Lashi La, Acting President of the NUG on 14th January. Moreover, the NUG would need to make reforms quickly in 2025, said PM of the NUG Mahn Win Khine Than at the meeting held on 7th January.
Rather than recruiting with ethnic leaders in the NUG, if the NUG was re-structured, it would be more appropriate, said U Khun Sai taking part in the peace process, told CNI News.
While seeing a KIA official and U Yi Mon
" The NUG proposed to be a federal government since the beginning. It demanded to make governments that represent every state. I think that's how it should be right now. Rather than If we restructure the NUG rather than replenish, it would be more appropriate to win democracy and federalism." said U Khun Sai.
Although Acting President and PM of the NUG expressed to reshuffle the cabinet every so often this month, details have not yet been disclosed.
EAOs and the PDFs have seized control of 144 townships across the country, announced the NUG's Defense Ministry on 4th January 2025.
The NUG was not as successful as EAOs during the past four years of revolutionary period, pointed out some people.