CNI News
28 December 2024
Those who shot U San Ngwe, administrator of Home Lan Buta Ward (Holm Street Station Ward), Sanchaung Township, Yangon Region had been arrested, reported the State Administration Council (SAC) on 26th December 2024.
U San Ngwe was shot while he was in his office on 24th December 2024 and those who shot him ran away. Zaw Zaw Bo (B) Tun Tun Aung and May Myat Thinza Kyaw who shot U San Ngwe were arrested in their home, Aung San Ward, Insein Township at 9:15 pm, on 24th December 2024 with a pistol and five bullets as well as a white taxi, said in the statement.
According to the testimony of those arrested, Kaw Zin Oo (B) Kyaung Sayar who was included in the shooting was arrested in Yay Dwin Gon Village, Htantabin Township with a pistol, 14 bullets and a grenade at 10:15 pm. And then, Sai Naung Htet (B) R Gyi who was included in the shooting was arrested in his home in No.3 Ward, Hlaing Thar Yar Township (East) with a pistol, 33 9mm bullets and two smoke bombs on 25th December, said in the statement.
Among those arrested, Kyaw Zin Oo, Kyaung Sayar, Zaw Zaw Bo and May Myat Thinza Kyaw were members of the Free Land Attack Force (FLA) which had 15 members and the leader is Ne Myo Nwe who lives in Maesot, Thailand.
Ne Myo New asked his members to shoot U San Ngwe on 22nd December and the FLA bombed Municipal Administration Offices including the Electrical Manager's Offices in Insein and Tamwe Townships.
Moreover, they exploded the CCTV box near the Min Dhama traffic lights on Thamine Street, Mayangone Township which those arrested said, reported the SAC.