CNI News

20 December 2024

The agreements reached from political dialogues regarding the wars must be enacted in the constitution so that political guarantees could be won,  chairman of the Pa-O National Liberation Organization (PNLO-NCA/S) Col. Khun Okkar told CNI News.

Although the EAOs have the upper hand on the SAC because they have captured a lot of territories, the SAC would accede not everything the EAOs demand, pointed out political commentators.

Meanwhile, although China could intervene to prevent the utter devastation, the decision would depend on the stakeholders, said Col. Khun Okkar.

" War results must be officially changed into political results. It's impossible that political results must be guaranteed because of the war results. The war results are when you win, you take and when I win, I take. But political results will be guaranteed by political agreements reached through political dialogues. If these political guarantees only are enacted in the constitution, military victories will become political victories. It must be included in the amendments of the constitution." he said.

While armed groups, the Tatmadaw and political parties were meeting and discussing

The delegation of the Myanmar Tatmadaw and the MNDAA met and discussed in China on 15th December and, then the Myanmar Tatmadaw would possibly meet with the TNLA and the AA, considered military and political analysts.

Until that situation, the AA was launching offensives to important military headquarters, they pointed out. 

Although revolutionary forces were saying there was no reason to discuss because they would pay the blood debt, stakeholders would have to go back to the political roundtable in the end of revolution and politics, spokesperson of the United Nationalities Alliance (UNA), U Myo Kyaw told CNI News.

While seeing Lt-Gen Ko Ko Oo and the MNDAA

" Although revolutionary forces are saying that they would pay the blood debt, in the end of politics and revolution, stakeholders will have to go back to the political roundtable. Revolutionary groups are different from one another and so are nationalities that are waging the revolution. Rulers who have ruled through the ages know that. When the EAOs gain the de facto power that can rule their territories, political discussions could emerge. Although they say that they build their territories, the Union Government says that it is an internal affairs and conducts air strikes and shooting with large weapons. To prevent these attacks, it is necessary to reach political agreements." he said.

China met with the AA on 1st December and with the UWSA on 3rd December and with the TNLA on 5th December and with the KIA on 8th and 9th December. 

And then, the MNDAA met with the delegation of the Myanmar Tatmadaw led by Lt-Gen Ko Ko Oo on 15th December.

The Myanmar Tatmadaw is not encouraging in the current battles against EAOs, pointed out military and political analysts.