CNI News

26 October 2024

Military and political analysts are pondering and discussing how the union based on federal and democracy will be built. 

It was necessary to understand the essence of federal democracy or democracy federal or federal and democracy, director of the Thayninga Institute for Strategy Studies, U Thein Tun Oo told CNI News.

" Frankly speaking, no matter what federal democracy or democracy federal is based, we need to understand thoroughly the essence of federal or democracy. The problem is that rather than federal is followed by democracy or democracy is followed by federal, we need to use the essence of federal or democracy. It should be focused on, I think." he said.

It was necessary to make young people who are typical politicians and understand policies partly take part in politics, he added. "  A real politician is really interested in politics and studies it. Young people who thoroughly understand theories and policies should participate proportionally. If so, we will reach on the convenient and smooth track because young people will serve the State responsibilities in future." he said.

While seeing a variety of ethnicities

If a democracy was wanted to be built, the solution must be found through election, Hluttaw and political dialogue and if the solution was found by armed means, internal conflicts would never end, pointed out political commentators. 

Four political agreements were reached to go from state strengthening policy to the union strengthening policy in order to build a federal democratic union, announced the 9 revolutionary organizations including the KNU, the KNPP and the CNF on 19th September.

It was necessary to win the battle against the Myanmar Tatmadaw so that political and economic powers controlled by the military dictatorship could be removed and equal rights could be enjoyed, Dr. Hla Kyaw Zaw, a China-Myanmar affairs commentator, told CNI News.

" Personally, we need to win the battle against the Myanmar Tatmadaw. Only after the military dictatorship is root out, we, revolutionary organizations, can negotiate among us. After Operation-1027 was successful, the MNDAA is establishing administration in the Kokang region where everyone has been granted right to work. Everyone is demanding democracy and federal because they can't enjoy equal rights or they are poor. If we finish removing the military council, we can make a living very well. And then, equal rights will follow gradually." he said.

While seeing NCA signatories

EAOs and non-Bamar ethnic elements are interested in building a federal democratic union and the Myanmar Tatmadaw, the NLD and the USDP are interested in a democratic federal union.

However, the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) has imposed to build a union that is based on democracy and federal in accordance with the results produced from political dialogues.

In a union that was based on democracy and federal, according to the constitution, regions and states could win self-determination, said Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing, chairman of the SAC in his letter sent to the 75th Anniversary Celebration of the Kachin State Day on 10th January 2023.