CNI News

14 October 2024

Military and political analysts are pointing out how China is important to the peace talks in order to stop battles breaking out in many parts of Myanmar and near the Chinese border. 

China objected to instability and battles breaking out in Myanmar; organizations concerned should resolve the disagreements among them in a peaceful manner after ceasefire; China wanted to participate in a constructive attitude, released China.

In search of means so as to stop battles breaking out near the China-Myanmar border as well as on the China-Myanmar trade route, if China was able to lead and hold peace talks such as Haigen, it could be resolved, Col. Khun Okkar, leading patron of the Pa-O National Liberation Organization (PNLO) told CNI News.

“In my opinion, China has imposed sanctions on some northern EAOs. They also keep themselves from hurting their dignities. There might be an exit if they showed some flexy attitudes so that air strikes could decrease.If China led and held peace talks like Haigen and Kokang, Wa and Palaung attended and discussed, it could be resolved, I think. If the discussion like this could not be held, the people would be hurt. China doesn't seem to like the battles currently breaking out because they are hurting its economy. If leaders of the EAOs can win some self-determination rights as well, they can come back to the discussions, I think." he said.

While seeing leaders from the UWSA, the NDAA and the MNDAA

Although China doesn't have full influence on armed groups, as they have to depend on China for arms, ammunition, medicine, food, fuel oil and so on, they can't have anything to do with China, they can't alienate with China in the long run, according to political analysts.

China sent a waring letter in which the Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) must stop waging battles in northern Shan State and Mandalay Region or it will be punished by China.

Moreover, China warned the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) to retreat from Lashio and stop battles as well as so as not to make the Tatmadaw disintegrate and if it didn't accept that, the MNDAA would be punished. 

The MNDAA would not collaborate with the NUG and in cooperation with China, it would resolve the conflicts through a political dialogue, which the MNDAA released on 4th September 2024.

While seeing Mr. Deng Xijun

Even though the EAOs could not be in harmony with the Chinese policies, it was not possible for them to go against kind of, Dr. Hla Kyaw Zaw, a China-Myanmar affair analyst, told CNI News.

" There may be reasons why China has imposed sanctions on the EAOs. May be China acceded to the military council's requests to an extent. As for us (EAOs), even though we can't be in harmony with the Chinese policies, it's not possible for us to go against the polices. When China demand, may be we have to accede to an extent. For example, look at a statement released by the Kokang (MNDAA)." she said.

Among 19 Chinese projects in northern Shan State and other regions, 10 projects have been fully controlled by EAOs and PDFs, released the ISP-Myanmar on 19th August.

Battles are breaking out between the Myanmar Tatmadaw and EAOs or the PDFs in Sagaing, Magway, Mandalay, Bago, Tanintharyi Regions, Shan, Karen, Kayah, Rakhine, Kachin, Mon and Chin States.