CNI News

3 October 2024

Myawaddy border trade, a Thai-Myanmar border trade route, that has been closed might be reopened due to the bilateral negotiation, said traders and businessmen. Because there was no territorial stability along the Thai-Myanmar border trade route and there was difficult transport, the trade was suspended for a long time.

Thailand has said that it would repair the Asia Highway and carry it out for territorial peace and stability.

If the Myawaddy border trade route could be reopened, the prices could decline as well, U Aung Pyae Sone, an economic commentator, told CNI News.

While a bridge that was damaged was being repaired on the Myawaddy border trade troute

“Because the way of finding an answer through negotiation is good, we welcome it. If the border trade route was reopened, the prices would go down as well. The products that are imported from China and Thailand are going up more than usual while the price of dollars is going down and the price of gold has been controlled. The problem is that prices haven't gone down because of difficult transportation. After negotiation, Thailand will repair the roads if the Myanmar side is able to take responsibility for security. But Thailand won't be able to carry out security operations in Myanmar." he said.

If the Thai government help repair the roads on the Myanmar side and help Myanmar to be able to reopen the Asia Highway, it must be welcomed, he added.

 "Mainly, if they repair the roads that were damaged because of weather or battles, we welcome it. If the transportation is good and the security is reliable, the flow of goods can be performed more. And then prices also will go down." he said.

Because the Myawaddy border trade route cannot be used, exporters are using the Tachileik border trade route in eastern Shan State and trading by sea through the Yangon-Ranong route. So, the costs were high, said traders.

While seeing trucks on the Asia Highway between Myawaddy and Kawkareik

If the Myawaddy border trade route could be reused, farmers could get higher prices for their products, U Thant Zin Tun, vice chairman of the Myanmar Corn Industrial Association, told CNI News.

" If the Myawaddy border trade route was reopened, we would be able to pay 50 to 70 kyat per viss more than the current payment. There is a route going to the Thai side through Tachileik. We were not able to use the route through Myawaddy last year. We can use the Kawthaung-Ranong waterway. Many cars can't be used on the Tachileik route. The waterway by sea has limited the number of ships. So, the Myawaddy route was reopened, the flow of goods would be faster." he said.

The Myawaddy border trade with Thailand has been suspended since early April due to difficult transport and unreliable security situations.