CNI News

28 September 2024

The State Administration Council (SAC) invited EAOs and the PDF and other insurgent organizations in order to get in touch and perform for the ability to solve the political problem by a political means, stated the SAC on the night of 26th September.

The census-taking which would support to make the vote list correct for a multi-party democratic general election would be started on 1st October and this period was the time when the preparations were being made with might and main for the election, said in the statement.

Taking into consideration of the losses and sufferings that took place in the country due to the armed way and the terrorist way, in order to carry out the everlasting peace and development hand in hand with the people, EAOs, the PDF and insurgent organizations which are fighting against the government are offered and invited to get in touch and perform so as to solve the political problem by a political means, abandoning armed policy, stated the SAC.

After saying that the NLD government was trying to form a government without solving the vote list disputes in the 2020 general election, the Myanmar Tatmadaw overthrew the NLD government on 1st February 2021 and took the State power.

After that, some members of the Hluttaw and democratic elements including some leaders of the NLD armed and are fighting to overthrow the SAC and the Myanmar Tatmadaw after forming the National Unity Government, the CRPH and the PDF in collaboration with some EAOs.

Due to these attacks, battles are severely breaking out in Sagaing, Magway, Bago, Tanintharyi, Mandalay Regions, Kachin, Chin, Shan, Karen, Mon, Rakhine and Kayah States.

Due to these battles, the number of IDPs is over one million and building were damaged by many tens of thousands. 

The SAC would conduct census-taking from 1st to 15th October and hold a general election after which the State power would be handed over to the winning party, said Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing, chairman of the SAC.