CNI News

26 September 2024

There are discussions between businessmen and analysts regarding how the relation between the SAC and international community could develop from flood disaster that took place in Myanmar. 

At present, because Myanmar was flood-hit, Myanmar is receiving humanitarian aids from international community while some countries are offering that they want to help Myanmar in the reconstruction tasks after the flood disaster. 

As some businesses could take part in reconstruction tasks as a result of the flood disaster, job opportunities could emerge; as the SAC are widely carrying out in the international relation, it could be considered as a constructive situation, U Aung Pyae Sone, a businessman, told CNI News.

"When countries make relations with one another, their relations are based on diplomatic relation. They are not always friends or enemies. On the international page, they will be showing friendship. But it's hard to see what they are doing behind the scene. But when Myanmar face a flood disaster, some countries are found to be getting in touch with the SAC more. The SAC is making more relation with other countries, not because of the flood disaster alone, but for other reasons. It can be considered as a constructive situation." he said.

While philanthropic associations are carrying out rescue tasks in some flood-hit areas

Although Myanmar was in trouble due to the flood disaster, there would be no prospect that international investments could enter Myanmar, pointed out economic analysts. 

Moreover, as there were damages and losses due to the flood disaster in Myanmar, the country's GDP could decline; lots of money would have to be spent to import materials necessary for reconstruction, an economic analyst told CNI News.

" I don't politics inside out. But international community provides assistance to a country that faces such a difficulty. But they might not help the government directly. They might help flood-hit people directly or through helping organizations. Because Myanmar suffer the flood disaster or Myanmar is in trouble, there is no prospect that FDI will enter Myanmar. As international community provides humanitarian aids, some foreign currencies might enter, so the situation that the price of dollar will go up might suspend for a while." he said.

Due to the flood disaster in Myanmar, 2,116 houses were damaged and 158,373 houses were sunk. Moreover, 117 offices and departmental buildings, 1,040 schools, 386 religious buildings and some roads, bridges, lamp posts and telecommunication towers were damaged, reported the SAC. 

Besides, 128,344 animals were killed and 643,081 cultivated acres were sunk reportedly.