CNI News

18 September 2024

Due to floods all over the country after it was raining heavily, the paddy yield this year could decline by million baskets, farmers told CNI News. 

When the rainfed paddy was grown in the previous month for this year, due to flood in many parts, many paddy fields were destroyed.

When the time to reap the paddy was drawing very near at present, as floods took place in a big way, it could impact on the rice market, U Thein Aung, chairman of the Farmers Development Association, told CNI News.

While a flood was taking place

" Because of flood, it could impact on the price of rice. But there is nothing to worry for the food of the country. Summer rice will be grown. But this year the paddy yield can decline by million baskets. So, it could impact on the price of rice, but not extremely." he said.

Farmers whose farms were flooded could face a lot of losses and farmers whose farms were not flooded are convenient. Moreover, flood could reach Bago and Ayeyarwady Regions reportedly.

Although paddy is grown in southern Shan State, as this region was flooded, demand in rice could be high, reviewed agricultural and economic advisors.

Moreover, it was not clear whether the local reserve rice is sufficient or not, they pointed out. If plantations that were flooded were fixed and rainfed rice were grown, cultivation would not be able to be conducted in time, Ko Zaw Min Naing, an agricultural and economic advisor, told CNI News.

While Kalaw Town was being flooded

" It's been a long time since paddy was grown. When the paddy was flooded, mud and sand covered the pddy. It's hard to make the paddy go on living. If you re-plant after fixing the land, it will take at least one or two months. And then, if it doesn't rain anymore, you'll find it difficult to get water." he said.

More floods were taking place because there were no trees that can keep soil. So, it was not easy for farmers to protect the situation in advance, said agricultural and economic advisors.

So, trees must be grown again to better the natural environment, they advised.