CNI News

17 September 2024

While the Pa-O National Liberation Organization (PNLO) is complying with the Nationwide Ceasefire agreement and striving for the interests of the people, the current chairman of the PNLO doesn't use the collective leadership policy but his own policy, abusing the policy, said Col. Khun Okkar.

The current chairman of the PNLO, Col. Khun Thurein is ruling the organization with his own policy and breaking the NCA. 

Moreover, he is fighting against the Pa-O National Organization (PNO/PNA) and the State Administration Council (SAC). 

So, damages and losses of towns and villages, and an increase in the number of IDPs could be obviously seen, stated Col. Khun Okkar on 10th September.

Col.Khun Thurein

So, he had made a decision to resign from the PNLO offshoot led by Khun Thurein for good because as a patron of the PNLO/PNLA, he was unavoidably responsible, stated Col. Khun Okkar. He would have nothing to do with the PNLO offshoot in future, reported Col. Khun Okkar.

He would continue to carry out for the national politics after resigning from the PNLO offshoot, said Col. Khun Okkar. The PPLO led by Col. 

Khun Okkar who seceded from  the Pa-O National Organization (PNO) and elements led by Col. Khun Thurein who seceded from the SNPLO re-organized and established the PNLO with small other Pa-O forces at a national conference held somewhere on the Thai-Myanmar border in 2009.

And then, the PNLO/PNLA re-entered the Pa-O region 2012 and it collaborated with the PNO/PNA in carrying out the Pa-O national political tasks until the end of 2023; Col. Khun Okkar, Khun Myint Tun and Col. Khun Thurein took responsibility as rotating chairmen of the PNLO from 2009 to 2023, said the statement released on 10th September 2024 by Col. Khun Okkar.

While seeing the 7 EAO Alliance and the NSPNC

The PNLO signed the bilateral ceasefire agreement at the state level and the union level under the government led by President U Thein Sein. Moreover, it signed the NCA on 15th October 2015. 

And then, as a representative of the PNLO, Col. Khun Okkar took part in the 7 EAO Alliance and is holding peace talks with the Myanmar Tatmadaw.

So, the PNLO led by Col. Khun Thurein has stopped participating in the NCA since it started military conflict with the Myanmar Tatmadaw on 21st January 2024; so it has not sent its representatives to both the 7 EAO Alliance and the NCA signatory PNLO, said in a statement released on 13th September 2024.

The only decision of five leaders represents the PNLO from that day on and they are three chairmen, a general secretary and a member of the Central Executive Committee, stated the PNLO led by Col. Khun Thurein.