CNI News

14 September 2024

A general election that contains all ethnic groups should be created because the multiparty democratic system is based, Naing Than Shwe, spokesperson of the Mon Unity Party (MUP), told CNI News.

The ethnic political parties that have been refused by the Union Election Commission have got entangled with what facts, which should be verified, he said.

" Multiparty democratic system will be based. And the State Administration Council has said that will be all inclusive. We must hold an all inclusive election. But some ethnic political parties have been refused. What sections of the law have these parties got entangled with? Is it related to individuals or the whole party. .It should be examined thoroughly. If an individual gets entangled with the law, what should we do? it's very important. Especially, all ethnic groups should take part in the election. Only if so, can we enjoy the essence of federal democracy, I think." said Naing Than Shwe to CNI News.

While seeing ethnic youths

Laws and bylaws relating to re-registration of political parties were released by the UEC on 31st January 2023 and the UEC instructed political parties to re-register within 60 days. 

However, some political parties including the Arakan National Party (ANP) and the Zomi Congress for Democracy Party (ZCD) have been refused to register.

Because the ANP had been refused to register, it weaken the interest of Rakhine people in democracy and politics, U Tun Aung Kyaw, member of the policy steering committee of the ANP, told CNI News.

While the UEC was explaining how to vote

" The intention of our party is that we will express or point out for the interest of the people if necessary. If we don't have the right to do so, as a party that has gained the support of most people in Rakhine State, we feel that the UEC's performance has a lot of necessities. Moreover, our Rakhine people won't be interested in the matters that will be carried out politically because the party they support has been refused the right to exist." he said.

The chairman of the SAC has said that the census-taking will be conducted in October this year and a general election will be held in 2025.