CNI News

13 September 2024

Taking a dim view of the Myanmar migrants by the Thai citizens has recently increased, those who are carrying out for the issues of migrant workers, told CNI News.

The number of the Myanmar migrant people has inflated more and because they are selling goods online, providing service for documents, working as brokers in an obvious manner and it's making the Thai citizens take a dim view of Myanmar migrants, those who are carrying out for the issues of migrant workers, told CNI News.

" Our citizens are robbing the market share kind of. For example, many Myanmar people are doing business of online shopping which is included in the forbidden businesses. Because of many Myanmar people who are doing business of online shopping, goods from the shops that are owned by the Thai citizens are not sold out a lot. So, they demanded the government to forbid the Myanmar people doing like that. That's why, later the Thai authorities take action against or arrest Myanmar migrants who were selling online." said U Aung Kyaw from the Labor Right Foundation (LRF).

While the Thai authorities have arrested migrant workers

Both documented and undocumented migrants are working forbidden jobs in Thailand and a few days ago, some Myanmar citizens were arrested because they were selling goods, broadcasting 'Live'.

Moreover, the matter regarding the woman who took video of making a document and posted online would be taken action against, reported the Thai Ministry of Labor.

Because the Thai authorities are able to look for those who break the law by using AI technology, the Myanmar citizens should stay carefully, in charge of labor affairs from the Foundation for Education and Development (FED) U Min Oo told CNI news.

While the Thai authorities are checking a migrant worker

" Taking action may increase in future because Myanmar people think there will be no problem after they say what they want to. But these days, the AI technology is more exact to look for those who break the law. Frankly speaking, Myanmar migrants have to stay carefully. Bad consequences emerge from what Myanmar people did without knowing that. It will take a bit time to behave well, I think." he said.

Moreover, it is necessary to watch the policies of the new Thai government and the Myanmar citizens should work only after studying the Thai laws thoroughly, pointed out those who are helping migrant workers.