CNI News

12 September 2024

As the regions where EAOs have seized control of are very often facing attacks by air strikes and heavy weapons, locals in these regions are worried more. 

Lashio City where has been controlled by the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) in northern Shan State was attacked by air strike on 8th September and Namkham, Mogok and Momeik, where have been controlled by the Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) were also attacked by air strike.

Some locals have moved to other regions, saying there was no security in Lashio, a resident of Lashio told CNI news. 

" Some residents came back and lived, but because shells fell down, they left the city again. The problem is that it's not clear what the target is." he said.

During Operation-1027 that was launched on 27th October, 2023 by the Three Brotherhood Alliance (MNDAA, TNLA, AA), the Myanmar Tatmadaw lost control of many towns in northern Shan State and Rakhine State. 

And then, the MNDAA, the TNLA and the AA are carrying out to make administration, legislature and judiciary operate in the towns they captured.

Although people live in the region controlled by the Arakan Army (AA), they are worried because the rival group could attack by air strike or heavy weapon, a resident of Sittwe told CNI News.

" We are deeply concerned although we live in a liberated area or an AA-controlled territory because the military council can attack by air even though not by manpower. 

As soon as they hear the sound of airplanes, they have to look for somewhere to hide while they are struggling for livelihood. They are always worried." he said.

A medical building of the AA in Shin Village, Pauktaw Township was attacked by air at about 7:00 pm on 8th September and casualties took place there. 

Moreover, Namkham Town that has been controlled by the TNLA was attacked by air on 6th September and casualties took place. 

While the state-owned media has mentioned the SAC's warning

He had been shocked whenever the sound of airplane was heard since Namkham Town was attacked by air, a resident of Namkham told CNI News.

" I couldn't sleep very well at night. Even though an international airplane crossed the Myanmar airspace, we have to sleep with anxiety. After being bombed from an airplane, as soon as we hear a sound, we are shocked." he said. 

Because of territorial insecurity, many locals are reportedly moving to Naypyidaw, Yangon and other regions.

Armed groups are using the public houses and buildings and persuading temporary IDPs to come back in order to use as human shields so that they could defend towns and villages where they are staying by force from the Tatmadaw's possible counter-offensives. 

The Tatmadaw will compulsorily protect the sovereignty of the state and respond to the armed groups in accordance with the necessity. 

So, the people in towns and villages where armed groups are staying by force need to be careful so as not to be used by the armed groups and to be safe, said Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing, chairman of the State Administration Council on 3rd September, 2024.

The speech is mentioned daily in the state-owned media, which is a warning.