CNI News

11 September 2024

Political and military analysts are reviewing how important Mandalay is to armed groups including the Myanmar Tatmadaw.

Mandalay is the capital of upper Myanmar and it is important to the two rival organizations in both dignity and propaganda, U Thein Tun Oo, director of the Institute for Thayninga Strategy Studies, told CNI News.

" Mandalay is the second capital city of Myanmar. If Mandalay is damaged because of one organization, its rival group can propagandize very well to attack. If the side that will defend can't control the city pretty well, it will lose its dignity. In my opinion, revolutionary forces still won't be able to attack Mandalay with a large operation in such a short time." he said.

While seeing Mandalay People's Defense Force

The opposition armed groups attacked the Middle Command of the Myanmar Tatmadaw in Mandalay with 10 107 mm shock missiles on 3rd September 2024. 

Mandalay is located by the Ayeyarwady River and it is the main city where trading activities are being mainly conducted with northern and upper parts of the country, India and China.

Mandalay is the second capital of Myanmar and the National Unity Government (NUG) would carry out so as to capture the city without damaging it, said Zaw Wai Soe, Minister for Health of the NUG.

While seeing the moat of Mandalay City

" We have made preparations regarding Mandalay since before. In the preparation for the second wave of Operation-1027, preparation for around Mandalay and Pyin Oo Lwin were included. So, the second wave is strong. Mandalay is a city where the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) is strong. It's the second capital. There are consulates in the city. There is an international airport as well. There are lists and figures as well as storage for drugs and medical equipment necessary for the whole upper Myanmar. In the same way, there are  many things regarding telecommunication there as well. Without damaging these things, we have made preparations to seize control of this city in the best way. And we are still making preparations." he said.

During the second wave of Operation-1027, battles are breaking out between the Myanmar Tatmadaw and opposition armed forces in Lashio, Kyaukme, Thibaw, Nawnghkio Townships, northern Shan State as well as in Mogok, Momeik, Sintku, Madaya and Thabeikkyin Townships, Mandalay Region.

It is said that battles might break out in Mandalay and many residents of the city are moving to Naypyidaw, Yangon and other regions.