CNI News

5 September 2024

There are some questions among the public and political analysts about the security condition in Mandalay where it was attacked by shock missiles. 

Opposition forces attacked the Central Command of the Myanmar Tatmadaw in Mandalay with 10 shock missiles at about 4:00 am, they stated.

7 shock missiles were successfully shot and the Tatmadaw's soldiers suffered casualties, released the opposition forces and the State Administration Council did not release anything about it. 

Attacking Mandalay by shock missiles worried the public and made the city unstable. In this way, opposition forces tried to win the military advantage, director of the Institute for Thayninga Strategy Studies, U Thein Tun Oo told CNI News.

" The peace and stability of a town or city depend on the people who are living in the town. Attacking the town by shock missiles makes the people there scared at least. In some way, the people might flee to safety. The opposition forces tried to win the military advantage by making the town unstable." he said.

While the U Bein Bridge in Mandalay

During the attack, some shock missiles fell onto the residential area and some people and houses were damaged. 

After rumor has it that battles could break out in Mandalay, many residents of the city are moving to Naypyidaw, Yangon and other regions in advance to avoid battles.

If battles were waged to capture Mandalay, the PDF troops probably would lead the battles, U Kyi Myint, a Myanmar political commentator, told CNI News.

 " The PDF forces will lead the military operation this time. As the rest groups were announced as terrorist groups, it's no wonder if they take part in the battles to capture Mandalay with the PDF." he said.

During the second wave of Operation-1027 launched by the Three Brotherhood Alliance, battles broke out in the towns, northern Shan State as well as in Mogok, Sintku, Madaya and Thabeikkyin in Mandalay Region.

At present, battles are severely breaking out between the Myanmar Tatmadaw and the PSLF/TNLA joint forces in Taungkhan near Pyin Oo Lwin.