CNI News

4 September 2024

As most Thai businesses are depending on Myanmar workers, every one is monitoring from which businesses Myanmar workers are making money for Thailand. 

Myanmar workers outnumber the workers from other countries in most of the businesses in Thailand; Myanmar workers are mainly working in export industry, aqua product industry and construction.

Moreover, the Thai authorities are getting money by arresting Myanmar migrants and from unscrupulous collaboration with brokers in providing service for legal documents, U Min Oo, in charge of labor affairs of the Foundation for Education and Development (FED), told CNI News.

" The Thai authorities are getting money even without much corruption. All the migrant workers have to depend on brokers when they apply for legal documents. The workers can't do anything about legal documents. If they hire brokers, they don't have to understand all about this. So, the government departments and brokers are unscrupulously collaborating to get money kind of." he said.

Moreover, because rich Myanmar people are buying condos, visas and other services, the Thai authorities are earning income.

Although the Thai authorities pay migrant workers for social security, deaths and injuries, there are only a small amount. 

While seeing a condo showroom in Thailand

Moreover, a migrant worker doesn't enjoy its right fully in the workplace, said those who carrying out for migrant workers' right.

The Thai authorities are trying to exploit migrant workers without carrying out anything for the benefit of migrant workers, U Aung Kyaw from the Labor Right Foundation (LRF) told CNI News.

" The authorities are weak in repaying the migrant workers. They are mainly interested in improving productivity and gaining a lot of profits from exporting to other countries. They don't take into account how to provide the best service to Myanmar migrant workers. They ask migrant workers for money for residence permit and  work permit." he said.

Although the Thai authorities has stated that they would issue Thai pink cards to undocumented migrant workers, anything exact about it has not been released up to now.

Moreover, the Thai authorities are arresting undocumented migrant workers with a 120 day plan and over 100,000 Myanmar migrant workers reportedly have been arrested.