CNI News

29 July 2024

The Wa forces entered and stationed themselves in Lashio and controlled some places while the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA).

MNDAA was waging battles to occupy Lashio City and the Northeastern Command of the Myanmar Tatmadaw in Lashio, northern Shan State, said individuals close to the Wa forces. 

The Wa forces entered Lashio City on the night of 27th July and had occupied important places of the city, three sources close to both the State Administration Council (SAC) and the Wa forces, told CNI News.

Although CNI News phoned U Nyi Yan, liaison officer of the United Wa State Army (UWSA) in Lashio Regarding the entry of "W" force into Lashio city, it still could not.

The Wa forces entered Lashio according to the permission from Naypyidaw and they still didn't know about the agreement in detail, said the sources.

The MNDAA and joint forces are severely launching an offensive to the Northeastern Command and has already seized control of some places in Lashio. 

However, China is putting pressure on the MNDAA and the Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) to stop operations and has cut out internet connection, electricity and closed border gates within the territories that have been controlled by the MNDAA and the TNLA.

The Chinese government informed TNLA and MNDAA of three things. According to these notices, the MNDAA and the TNLA could stop fire after the end of July and thy were fighting to seize as many territories as they could, said a person close to the northern allies.

The TNLA and the MNDAA allowed the Wa forces to control Hopang and Pan Lon during Operation-1027 first part that was launched on 27th October, 2023.

Moreover, during the second part of Operation-1027 that has been waging since 25th June, 2024, Naypyidaw allowed the Wa force to control Tangyan Township. Moreover, Naypyidaw allowed the Wa force to enter and control Lashio on 27th July.