CNI News

27 July 2024

Most party members of the Arakan National Party (ANP) are no longer willing to register as a political party again, U Tun Aung Kyaw, member of the Policy Steering Committee of the ANP, told CNI News. 

Because the ANP's party registration application was not in accordance with the Section 7 of the Political Parties Registration Act, the application had been rejected, the Union Election Commission stated on 1st July, 2024.

" After saying that our party got entangled with Section-7, the UEC has rejected us. As a political party, we had already done the things to be done in accord with the law. But as we believe that the State doesn't want our party to exist as a political party anymore, we'll go on standing carefully in Myanmar politics. The members of the party have considered acting according to the law. But most of us don't want to register as a political party anymore." said U Tun Aung Kyaw from the ANP to CNI News.

While seeing the ANP party

Laws and Bylaws on Re-Registration of Political Parties were released on 31st January 2023 by the UEC which asked political parties to register. 

And then, most political parties including the ANP registered and over a year later, the UEC refused the ANP's application to be registered after saying the party got entangled with Section-7.

The organizations that support directly or indirectly an organization that has been declared an illegal association, or an armed organization that goes against the State, or organizations or individuals designated by the state as committing terrorist acts are not allowed to apply for registration, said in the Section-7 of the Political Parties Registration Law.

They would never abandon the belief that political problems must be solved through political means and if they could participate as a political party sometime in the future, they would, added U Tun Aung Kyaw.

While seeing two leaders of the AA

" We are a political party based on our state and our Rakhine nationality. We carried out honestly in accordance with the law for the national interests to solve the political problem through political means. We'll never abandon the belief that the political problem will be solved by the political means. So, when good opportunities arise in the future, we will participate in politics for the interests of the union." he said.

The ANP is a powerful Rakhine political party and it won in the general elections with most seats. At present, battles are severely breaking out between the Arakan (AA) and the Myanmar Tatmadaw in Rakhine State.

Former members of the Hluttaw from the ANP joined the AA and because some top leaders of the ANP are family members of the AA leaders, the UEC possibly refused to register the ANP, said political analysts.