CNI News

25 July 2024

As a lot of migrant people or IDPs from many parts of the country have arrived in Yangon to avoid battles, new workers have become abundant in the factories and workshops, those who provide service in the affairs of workers told CNI News. 

Because new workers have become abundant, although workers are not scarce. most of them are not skilled workers, Ma Myo Myo Aye, a person who was carrying out the affairs of workers, told CNI News.

" Most of the people who arrive in Yangon are from the regions where battles are currently breaking out. They have never done the jobs here in Yangon. The jobs they can get without too much difficulty are those in the garment factories. So, they are trying to get jobs in the garment factories. But they are not skilled laborers. Employers train them. But those who entered the workplace recently are impossible to be skilled workers. But some don't become skilled workers although they were trained." she said.

While seeing IDPs

Because there has been a sharp increase in the number of people who migrated to Yangon, the demand for job opportunities is also increasing. Despite the influx of new workers, it is reportedly difficult for people without work experience to find a job.

Although there have been a lot of new workers in the garment factories and workshops, they were rarely found in restaurants, said U Ne Lin, owner of a restaurant, told CNI News.

" It doesn't make much difference to us yet. At present, more migrant people have arrived in the wards. But because I don't need to recruit for my restaurant, there is no obvious change for me. I don't know about other restaurants." he said.

While seeing workers at a factory

At present, factories are paying different daily wages 4,800 Kyat or 5,800 Kyat or 6,800 Kyat, depending on workplaces. However, those without work experience earn less wages only. 

On the other hand, skilled workers are demanding employers to raise their wages reportedly.