CNI News

19 July 2024

There are reviews and discussion among political circles regarding what the China's attitude towards the election that will be held by the State Administration Council (SAC). 

During the trip to China of Vice Chairman of the SAC Deputy Commander in Chief Vice Sr-Gen Soe Win who attended the meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), he discussed with the Chinese officials in relation to holding the election.

 If the election was an answer to the peace of Myanmar, China would want Myanmar to hold the election, Mahn Pyi Aung Soe, chairman of the Karen National Democratic Party (KNDP), told CNI News.

" If the election was an answer to the peace of Myanmar, China would want Myanmar to hold the election. Generally, I would like to review so." he said.

However, due to armed conflicts taking place in the country, he was not sure to what extent the election could be held, he added. The election was a political exit for the SAC and China would take it into account, depending on its interests, Dr. Hla Kyaw Zaw, a Myanmar political commentator, told CNI News.

While seeing U Thein Sein and Xi Jinping

" Whether the election will be really held or not is just a part. The reason why they (SAC) are talking about the election is that they want to say their coup d'état is just and fair. Saying that the NLD conducted vote defraud in the election, they said that they had to take power. And they have said that they would hand over the State power to the winning party after holding a general election. If the election is held, China is telling the SAC that important political elements including the NLD should be included in the election. It will be discussed, I think. I don't want anybody to hope so much the election that will be sponsored by the SAC even though China supports. China will carry out, depending on its interests." she said.

The SAC has said that it will conduct census-taking in October this year and a general election will be held in 2025. Elections would be held in the areas under the control of the SAC and if the percentage of votes designated were cast, the Hluttaw would be called, U Kyi Myint, a Myanmar political commentator, told CNI News.

" Elections will be held in the areas under the control of the SAC. If the number of votes designated were cast or if more than half of the seats necessary for the Hluttaw were won, the Hluttaw will be called." he said.

According to the 2008 Constitution, if the elections were be able to be held to get 25 percent of the seats, it could be added to 25 percent of the seats of the Tatmadaw, and then the Hluttaw would be able to be called. In this way, they wanted to overcome the political crisis, said political parties.

While seeing U Ko Ko Gyi, leader of the Peopl's Party (PP)

the news meaning that China will support the election that will be held by the military council and help out is spreading among the diplomatic community local and abroad.

Leaders of the four parties that have got the party registration issued by the Union Election Commission (UEC) - the People's Party (PP), the Arakan Front Party (AFP), the Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) and the Shan and Nationalities Democratic Party (SNDP) are to go to China this month.

On the other hand, Acting President of the National Unity Government (NUG) Duwa Lashila has said that the NUG would not recognize the election held by the SAC and it would destroy in order that the election could not be held.