CNI News

18 July 2024

At the invitation of China, the four political parties that will go to China will discuss how to overcome the current political crisis of Myanmar with China, Dr. Aye Maung, chairman of the Arakan Front Party (AFP), told CNI News. 

The political parties that have got party registration - the Arakan Front Party (AFP), the People's Party (PP) led by U Ko Ko Gyi, the Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) and the Shan and Nationalities Democratic Party (SNDP)- will go to China.

" We still don't know what the Deputy FM of the Chinese Communist Party will discuss. At any rate, the four political parties will discuss the current political crisis of Myanmar, I think. The current status of China's participation in the peace process and how to overcome the current political and military crises of Myanmar will be discussed. Only if we can overcome the crisis, all ethnic groups can enjoy their rights and love one another and be united. It's likely that China will discuss it based on the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence." said Dr. Aye Maung.

While seeing U Ko Ko Gyi and Sai Ai Pao

The Chinese Communist Party invited the parties to pay a seven day visit from 20th to 27th July to China. During the visit, the parties would study the situations regarding rural development in Yunnan Province and the Communist Party in the rural areas reportedly. 

The Chinese government had an attitude that peace must be achieved in Myanmar, said Dr. Aye Maung.

"We have some information that we would have considered if the Chinese side asked. We want to overcome the political crisis of Myanmar. The Chinese government has a strong assumption that peace must be made as soon as possible. If the trip can break through to overcome the crisis, we will be able to implement it to meet the need successfully." he said.

While the Chinese Communist Party Conference was being held

China invited the five parties to come to China on a study tour last year.

Leaders of the four political parties - the PP, the AFP, the SNLD and the USDP will go to China to visit there for one week from 21st to 27th July.