CNI News
13 July 2024

Because the permission to go abroad has been tightened, there might be more and more people who go abroad illegally to work.


So, wages could be reduced, those who are carrying out labor affairs told CNI News. As those who would go abroad to work have been more tightened, there are no alternatives but to choose illegal channels.


The number of illegal Myanmar workers is very large in Malaysia and due to the scarcity of jobs there, getting jobs is the main priority for them, rather than getting basic salaries reportedly.

If any more illegal workers reached, wages could be reduced, Hmwar Michael who lives in Malaysia told CNI News.

While seeing migrant workers


" When a lot of illegal workers enter, there are hardly any jobs. Moreover, employers used to pay workers for wages once a week, but they pay every 15 0r 20 days. They don't pay 1,500 Ringgit as a basic salary but factories are hiring workers at only 1,200 or 1,300 Ringgit per month. Because illegal workers have no jobs, they have to work with basic salaries that employers pay." he said.

When they have to work illegally, their rights including wages and labor rights could be violated.


However, employers were finding it difficult to recruit workers from Myanmar because of restrictions in Myanmar,, reviewed some people.


If employers could not hire legal workers, they would apply documents for illegal workers and hire them, U Min Oo, In charge of labor affairs from the Foundation for Education and Development, told CNI News.


While seeing migrant workers


" It's difficult for illegal workers to find jobs. If they got jobs, their wages could be reduced than the basic salary designated. They have to work, ignoring basic rights. Legal workers foreign countries are called. But these workers can't come at once because of inspection processes. Workers are needed, but illegal workers are hired, employers can be taken action against." he said.

Because of allowing youths who would go abroad at an age limit only, banning from PJ (passport for job) to PV (passport for visit) and controlling working abroad legally, those who want to work abroad unavoidably have to choose going abroad illegally.


With more and more people who will go abroad through illegal channels, roles of brokers and human traffickers will be bigger.