CNI News

10 June 2024

The Shan State Progressive Party (SSPP/SSA) sent a letter requesting to restrain the actions of the Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) to the Commander in Chief of the United Wa State Army (UWSA/UWSP) U Zhao Zhongdang reportedly. 

The letter on which vice chairman (1) of the SSPP/SSA signed was sent to U Zhao Zhongdang.

The TNLA forces attacked the SSPP four times on 5th July, 2024, so the battles broke out between the two sides, said in the letter.

The SSPP wanted to have mutual respect and support relation with the TNLA like the relation between the SSPP and the UWSA, so the SSPP specially need the help of the UWSA, said in the letter. So, the the SSPP requested the UWSA in order to restrain the TNLA as necessary, said in the letter.

While seeing the letter sent to the Commander in Chief of the UWSA by the SSPP

The TNLA attacked the military camps of the SSPP in Kyaukme and Nawnghkio Townships and a few battles broke out between the two sides. Moreover, the TNLA disarmed the SSPP troops in Namkham Township and forced the troops to move.

And then, the SSPP disarmed the TNLA/PDF joint forces that were active in Thibaw Township and forced the forces to move on 7th July and the SSPP disarmed the TNLA forces that arrived in Manhero Town, Muse Township on 6th July and forced the TNLA troops to move.

There are territorial and administration disputes between the two EAOs in northern Shan State as well as military tension.