CNI News

5 July 2024

The Chinese Ambassador to Myanmar Mr.Cheng Hai and the Chairman of the State Administration Council (SAC) Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing discussed the peace and stability of the border areas and the ability to hold a free and fair multi-party democratic general election. 

Mr. Cheng Hai, the Chinese ambassador, will leave Myanmar after completing his duties and when he came and met with chairman of the SAC on 4th July, 2024, they discussed the above issues.

China and Myanmar are strategic partner countries and they discussed the situations relating to the diplomatic relations between the two countries, and friendship and cooperation developments, stated the SAC.

Moreover, the efforts of the State for the development of Myanmar and achievement of the domestic peace and the circumstances of China's assistance; cooperation for stability and peace in the border region, and the preparations in relation to the ability to hold a free and fair multi-party democratic general election were discussed by the Chinese Ambassador and the chairman of the SAC.

The Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), the Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA), the Mandalay People's Defense Force (MDY-PDF) and the Danu People's Defense Force (DPDF) together are attacking the Northeastern Command of the Myanmar Tatmadaw in Lashio and military camps of the Myanmar Tatmadaw in Kyaukme and Nawnghkio.

In the same way, the TNLA, the MDY-PDF and the PDF in Madaya Township are attacking the military camps of the Myanmar Tatmadaw in Mogok, Momeik, Madaya and Sint Ku.

On the other hands, Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing has said that a general election would be held in 2025 after conducting census-taking in 2024.

The National Unity Government (NUG) and the PDFs that are opposition forces have announced that they would destroy the election that the SAC would hold in order that the election could not be held.