CNI News

5 July 2024

Some civilians were killed because Lashio had been attacked with heavy weapons and shock missiles since 2nd July, locals told CNI News. 

The brotherhood alliance forces attacked the Northeastern Command of the Myanmar Tatmadaw with drones and shock missiles. 

And then the Myanmar Tatmadaw fired back with heavy weapons reportedly.

There have been nine civilian deaths in Lashio up to now and there are still heavy weapon fires, a philanthropist in Lashio told CNI News.

" Seven civilians were killed on 3rd July and two were killed this morning of 4th July. Heavy weapon shells fell down on 9 Ward in Lashio this morning. There are still heavy weapon fires up to now. The Myanmar Tatmadaw fire back with heavy weapons from inside Lashio." he said.

Because of the current military situation, all entrances and exits to Lashio have been closed and there have been military tensions reportedly. 

While seeing a heavy weapon shell fell on the Lashio City Golf Course

The people who lived in wards near the Myanmar Tatmadaw have left for other places and the people from the villages near Lashio have fled to safety, a resident of Lashio told CNI News.

" The people from the wards near the Myanmar Tatmadaw have moved to the places a little far from the Myanmar Tatmadaw. Some people gather at the Kachin Churches while others, at Wa Church. The people from the villages near Lashio went to farther rural areas or caves to stay." he said.

The EAO that came to attack Lashio has been surely known to be the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA). However, it is reported that the Shan State Progressive Party (SSPP) and the United Wa State Army (UWSA/UWSP) attacked Lashio with the MNDAA. However, it could not be confirmed yet, he added.

Although that piece of news has come out, the UWSA and the SSPP have not released any news yet.

The Myanmar Tatmadaw and EAOs had reinforced their troops and weapons in and around Lashio since June reportedly.