CNI News

4 July 2024

Nearly 60 civilians were killed in Kyaukme, northern Shan State because of battles, according to regional philanthropic associations. 

There were many deaths due to the explosion of artillery shells and their philanthropic association was finding it difficult to get enough fuel, a member of a philanthropic association, told CNI News.

" There have been nearly 60 civilian deaths. 55 civilians were killed because of heavy weapons, and three people got sick and died. Today, we hear cracks of heavy weapons every 20 minutes. We are finding it difficult to get enough fuel for the car." he said. 

The battles have been breaking out between the Myanmar Tatmadaw and the Palaung State Liberation Front (PSLF/TNLA) in Kyaukme since 25th June, 2024.

While seeing IDPs

The battles between the two sides contain heavy weapon fire and air strikes and there are home damages and civilian casualties. At present, there are explosions of artillery shells within Kyaukme Town. So, almost all the residents of the town have fled to safety, a resident of Kyaukme told CNI News.

" Shells of heavy weapons fell and exploded on the houses in 8 Ward. Residents of the town largely went down to Mandalay. Some residents fled to Pon Woe and Naung Pain. Those who cannot go far away gathered at the monastery. There have been over 10,000 IDPs." he said.

Monks were looking after the IDPs with the help of the people who lived away, he added.

The battles have been breaking out between the Myanmar Tatmadaw and the TNLA joint forces since 25th June in Kyaukme, Thibaw, Nawnghkio, Mogok and Madaya and locals are fleeing to safety.