CNI News

22 June 2024

India has exempted the corn imported from Myanmar from customs duty, according to the Myanmar Pulses, Beans, Maize and Sesame Seeds Merchants Association. 

In the past, India was collecting 60 percent for commercial tax, 5 percent for collective goods and service and 10 percent for additional social security tax when importing corn from Myanmar.

Because of the current need for corn of India, India has exempted Myanmar corn from customs duty, an official from the Myanmar Pulses, Beans, Maize and Sesame Seeds Merchants Association, told CNI News.

" Economic associations from India negotiated with the Myanmar side to allow Myanmar corn to import duty-free because there has been a high demand for corn in India. We are exporting our corn to other countries as well. The price of corn has gone up again. So, they negotiated with us. And then we have started exporting corn." he said.

Although over 38 million tons of corn were produced in India last year, only about 35 million tons of corn might be produced this year. 

While seeing Myanmar corn

More than one million tons of corn is needed for a poultry farming sector alone each year reportedly. 

Myanmar has been allowed to export corn to Thailand duty-free from February to August. It is not clear how India has designated it duty-free.

Although Myanmar corn was exported to India in March and May, at present because the price of corn in Thailand is high, Myanmar corn is being mainly exported to Thailand, U Thant Zin Tun, vice chairman of the Myanmar Corn Industrial Association, told CNI News. 

" Myanmar corn was exported to India from March to April. Because the Thai price of corn is a little higher at present, Myanmar corn is being mainly exported to Thailand. Maybe Myanmar corn is being exported to India from the old contracts." he said.

Not very long ago, three ships loaded with Myanmar corn were docked at India’s Port and according to the contract, 10 more ships loaded with Myanmar corn would be exported, stated the Ministry of Commerce.

Myanmar exports about two tons of corn each year and it is being mainly exported to China and Thailand through border trade. Moreover, Myanmar corn is exported to the Philippines, Vietnam and other countries by sea.