CNI News

20 June 2024

There has been a sharp decrease in the number of schools that can be opened in the states and regions where there are territorial instabilities due to battles reportedly. 

The number of schools that can be opened are reduced in Chin, Kayah, Kayin, Rakhine, Shan States, Sagaing and Tanintharyi Regions. All the schools in some townships, Chin State have been closed.

Although over 570 schools could be opened within Chin State last year, 69 schools only can be opened this year, an official from Chin State Education Office, told CNI News.

" All the schools in Paletwa, Kanpetlet, Tonzang can't be opened. Five schools in Tedim can be opened and so can six schools in Hakha, twelve schools in Falam, 12 schools in Matupi Township, and four schools in Mindat. 571 schools could be opened last year, but 69 schools only can be opened this year. There were over 50,000 students last year. But there are just over 10,000 students this year." he said.

While seeing a child who come to be enrolled in school

The government schools in Kutkai, Laukai, Theinni and Kunglong Townships that have been captured by ethnic armed groups in northern Shan State cannot be opened and school teachers have been allowed to transfer to other townships reportedly.

" The schools in the townships such as Kutkai, Laukkai, Theinni and Kunglong in northern Shan State that have been controlled by ethnic armed groups cannot be opened at the national level, but ethnic armed groups have opened the schools, I heard. All the school teachers of the government there have already transferred." said an education officer from northern Shan State to CNI News.

Because there were incidences that school buildings and teachers were attacked, schools in some townships cannot be opened reportedly. 

In Rakhine State where there are over 3,000 basic education schools and about 100 monastic education schools and over 50 high schools, although most students wanted to attend school, they could not attend, U Tin Maung, an education activist for Rakhine people, told CNI News.

While some students are being enrolled

" At present, students in Rakhine State can't attend school. Grade-12 students ha,000ven't sat examination yet. About 10,000 of all the students haven't sat examination. 8,000 of all the students sat examination. But now, students who will study in Grade-12 and primary students all haven't attended school. Students want to attend school. There are teachers as well. There is a situation where schools cannot be opened. They are mainly worried about air strike." he said.

There are 13,879 basic education middle schools and 21,550 basic education primary schools in rural areas all over the country and there are 1,626 basic education middle schools and 3,318 basic education primary schools in urban areas across the country.

More than 5.9 million students were enrolled in basic schools, private schools and monastic education schools in states and regions from 23rd to 30th May for the 2024-2025 academic year, according to the Department of Basic Education.