CNI News

8 June 2024

The grouping process of the Union Peace Dialogue Joint Committee (UPDJC) no longer existed, Col. Saw Kyaw Nyunt, spokesperson of seven NCA signatory EAO group, told CNI News. 

Implementation activities of the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) had stopped since 1st February, 2021 and the processes of the NCA could not be carried out during the past three years, he said.

" One thing we'll have to beware of is that implementation activities of the NCA had stopped since 1st February, 2024. The mechanisms of the UPDJC or Joint Monitoring Committee haven't operated for over three years. And the grouping processes of the UPDJC are no more as well. To tell you frankly, we are working on three pieces of the NCA essence _ to solve the political problem by political dialogue, to hold an all-inclusive political dialogue and to protect civilians." said Col. Saw Kyaw Kyunt.

While seeing General Yawd Serk

Delegates of the political parties group of the UPDJC were elected from 47 parties that have got political registration and the political parties group is led by four political parties reportedly. 

They had a desire to build a federal democratic union, ending the civil war since the drafting the NCA in 2013, Col. Saw Kyaw Nyunt told CNI News.

" We had the same desire since the drafting the NCA in 2013. We would end the civil war. We would build peace and then we would build a federal democratic union that would arise in accordance with the agreement by all democratic elements and ethnic groups after discussion and negotiation. But these activities have stopped for the time being. Looking ahead to the benefit of the Union, a political dialogue of all the stakeholders is the only way to solve the current great problem." he said.

While seeing seven NCA signatories and the NSPNC

Although the political problem must be solved by the political means, because the military framework is wide and the political framework is narrow at present, it was difficult to resolve it, he added.

The UPDJC must be made up of 16 representatives each from the government, the Tatmadaw and the Hluttaw, from the NCA signatories, and the political parties group, which has been imposed in the NCA.