CNI News
31 May 2024
According to the instructions of the Ministry of Construction, road and bridge tolls will be raised from 1st June, 2024 reportedly.
Although it has not been announced how much the road and bridge tolls will be increased, if the tolls are raised, truck fares also will be raised and at the same time, commodity prices also will be higher, according to highway freight operators.
The prices of auto accessories are on the rise at resent and driver fees and labor charges are raised as well. If the road and bridge tolls were raised, goods delivery fees would be raised as well, U Kyin Thein, chairman of the Myanmar Highway Freight Transportation Services Association, told CNI News.
While collecting road toll
" if the road and bridge tolls are raised, transportation charges will also be raised and then the prices of auto accessories, grease, engine oil and driver fee will be raised as well. There are also many untold costs on the way." he said.
Toll gates are different from one another in collecting road and bridge tolls. Some collects tolls depending on the number of wheels while others, on the vehicle and cargo tonnage.
Although town entrance fees, road and bridge tolls were raised, in comparison with other situations, the rates charged were not exorbitant, and transportation charges could fluctuate, U Thant Zin Tun, a corn trader, told CNI News.
While a road toll gate was being checked
" Freight charge will just a little more expensive. It's not a big deal. In fact, prices are higher because of higher fuel prices, bad route and unexpected problems." he said.
The Ministry of Construction had over 300 toll gates including town entrance toll gates. However, 160 toll gates didn't collect tolls from April, 2016 under the NLD government reportedly.
However, all the toll gates have been collecting tolls since November, 2021 reportedly.