CNI News

22 March 2024

Political and military analysts are reviewing where the information of an alliance by seven NCA signatories is leading to.

After the plenary meeting of the seven NCA signatories held in Chiangmai, Thailand on 18th March, 2024, the 7 EAO Alliance has been formed, the alliance stated. 

Their alliance was mainly to discuss peace and political affairs, although they would cooperate in security, they wouldn't in military, Col.Khun Okka, patron of the Pa-o National Liberation Organization (PNLO), told CNI News.

"The main purpose is to discuss peace and politics. Military affairs isn't included in the priority. But we will cooperate in the security matters. The main purpose is to make peace process and political talks appear. We will continue in the same way that our PPST (Peace Process Steering Team) did in the NCA." he said.

Among the seven groups of the alliance, the PNLO that is fighting against the Tatmadaw did not participate fully and took part in the alliance as an associate group, he added. Members of the alliance would start governing in their controlled territories with a governing system of the self-determination, said General Yawd Serk, chairman of the Restoration Council of Shan State.

While seeing General Yawd Serk and General Saw Mutu Say Phoe

The formation and action were overdue, U Kun Gawng Awng Hkam, a Kachin politician, told CNI News.

"In my opinion, this is overdue. In early time of 2021 after the coup d'état, if they carried out ceaselessly and seriously to build a federal union, the current situation wouldn't happen like this. It's not so easy, I think. The People's Defense Force (PDF) and other EAOs might not accept what the military council is doing now. I wonder it might not easy in the long run." he said.

When some EAOs have started administrative processes after they had seized control of territories, their NCA signatories would have to start an administrative system based on self-determination, said Col.Khun Okka.

" When some EAOs that seized control of territories have started administration in their controlled territories, our NCA signatories also are developing regional administrative systems. I'm just saying it by policy. If we implement, we'll need to negotiate because some territories are overlapped each other. We'll need preparations any more, I think." he said.

General Yawd Serk has taken responsibility as the leader of the 7 EAO Alliance and Naing Aung Min, as seconder leader.