CNI News

14 March 2024 

Among the Myanmar citizens who are undocumented or overstayers, there are more people returning from illegal routes than ones who officially return with CI (certificate of identity), those who are helping in the affairs of Myanmar citizens, told CNI News. 

Those who didn't want to officially go home with CI were afraid of conscription law that has been approved in Myanmar and chose illegal routes, U Barbu Gyi, a person who is helping Myanmar citizens, told CNI News.

" Those who will go home with CI cannot return to their countries at once. They have to wait two weeks or one month. A lot of people who couldn't wait any longer have chosen illegal routes to go home. Next, there are many young men who are afraid of going home legally because the mandatory military service law has been approved in Myanmar. Some of them are worried that they will be arrested at the airport." he said.

While seeing illegal workers in Malaysia

Myanmar people who will apply for CI have to wait in line together with those who apply for passports, which causes delays. Moreover, because Myanmar people who are undocumented or overstayers from various regions of Malaysia have to come in person to Myanmar Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, they found it difficult on the way.

So, if Myanmar Embassy made appointments through online like ones from other countries, it would be more convenient, suggested Myanmar organizations in Malaysia.

So, Myanmar Embassy stated on 12th March 2024 that it would provide service to issue CIs within daytime with a system of making appointment through QR code starting 18th March 2024.

While seeing those who are waiting to pay the fines

However, although the validity of a CI in the past was two months, because it is only one month at present, those who want to go home don't have enough time, U Aung, chairman of the Yadana Sekka Funeral Service, told CNI News.
"Waiting in line takes us from one to three weeks. The valid period they have allowed is still short. We must find agents. We have to carry out to get CI within one day. If we have to go home in two weeks once the fingerprint is pressed after applying for CI, we can't do so. If we have to go home within 14 days, only after staying 12 days we have to. When you press your fingerprint on the CI, if the one month given by the embassy is full, you will be in trouble. Immigration department will fine you. If you applied for CI, they would issue a copy only.  An office of the Myanmar Airways International has been open in the embassy. Only when you buy the air ticket, they would issue the original." he said.

Malaysian authorities started the migrant repatriation program which allows undocumented foreigners and overstayers to go home without prosecuting them from 1st March until the end of December. 

However, the number of Myanmar citizens who go back to Myanmar with CI are still few and only unhealthy people are mainly going home reportedly.