CNI News

15 February 2024

Because of the people's military service law that has been approved, the number of people who go abroad from illegal channels might increase, those who are helping in the affairs of workers, told CNI News. 

As the State Administration Council could have calculated in advance, the process of issuing passports could be restricted. So, the number who go abroad from illegal channels might increase, Ko THargyi, a person who is helping migrant workers, told CNI News.

"Young people from all walks of life probably will leave for neighboring countries from illegal channels because of the compulsory military service law. They might be be sold and cheated by unscrupulous brokers and agents. About 75 percent of young people might sneak into foreign countries. And the remaining 25 percent might join the revolutionary forces. The safety of young people is also a concern while the number of people who will sneak into foreign countries might increase." he said.

Myanmar Tatmadaw personnels

Because of the mandatory military service law that has been approved, the number of Myanmar nationals who will go abroad might increase more than those of Myanmar people who went abroad after political changes in 2021, the people who are helping in the affairs of migrant workers, reviewed.

When a person tries to go abroad, just having a passport is not enough, he or she would need money, language skill, acquaintances or friends, employment skill and so on, they pointed out. Although the mandatory military service law has been stated, if the children of top officials of the government, the children of the rich and artists were exempt from military service, it would be discrimination, they pointed out.

South Korean nationals do their military service with their sense of responsibility and they are doing military exercises in advance to protect them from foreign enemies. In South Korea, All those designated must serve in the military without caste discrimination.

No one would want to join the army because they would have to fight in internal battles, not against foreign enemies, Ko Khant Nay Kyi, the supporting center for migrant workers in Busan, told CNI News.

Those who are waiting in line to get passports in front of the passport office

If Myanmar nationals in foreign countries were notified that they must serve in the military, they would go on staying in the foreign countries where they are as long as evidence documents are valid, he said.

" According to the Myanmar community in South Korea, humanitarian visas have been issued to Myanmar people because there is a political crisis such as a civil war in Myanmar. They will go on staying with the visa. If South Korea has designated that the number of Myanmar workers must be 30,000 at least in South Korea, the 30,000 won't go home. But it will be difficult to call anymore Myanmar workers." he said.  

According to the people's military service law, All men aged 18 to 35 and women aged 18 to 27 are required to serve for up to two years under military command and man specialists aged from 18 to 45 and female specialists aged from 18 to 35 must serve. 

Specialists mean doctors, engineers, technicians or those who live by any profession.