CNI News

7 February 2024

Col.Win Ram from the National Socialist Council of Nagaland Khaplang Yung Aung (NSCN-K/YA) passed away in Myitkyina, Kachin State on 5th February 2024, the NSCN-K/YA stated. 

Col.Win Ram passed away while he was receiving medical treatment in Myitkyina.

Colonel Win Ram was deputy secretary of the NSCN-K/YA and he served for 12 years. So, the NSCN-K/YA was deeply saddened for Col.Win Ram passed away. He served his duty with full courage until his last breath-out for the Naga people, the NSCN-K/Ya stated.

While seeing the condolence statement by NSCN-K/YA on the death of Col. Win Ram

The National Socialist Council of Nagaland was built in 1980. 

There were disagreements among the leaders - Isak, Muivah and Khaplang after which in 1989, the organization was divided into two groups and the one is the NSCN-Khaplang or the NSCN-K and the other, the NSCN-Isak-Muivah or the NSCN-IM. The NSCN-K is based in Burma and NSCN-IM, in India.

Khaplang, chairman of the NSCN-K passed away in 2017 and U Khango Konyak, vice chairman, became the chairman in 2018. However, he was soon removed from power on 17th August that year and U Yung Aung was appointed as the chairman.

While seeing Ang Mai, leader of the NSCN-K/AM

U Yung Aung fired Deputy Chief of Staff Niki Sumi, Minister Star Sam, and Chief of Staff Nyam Lang on 29th July 2020. After that, Niki Sumi built a breakaway faction called the NSCN-K/NK and it agreed to peace with the Indian government on 8th September 2021.  

In the same way, the NSCN-K/YA dismissed Home Minister Ang Mai in 2023 and he built the KSCN-K/AM faction.

Moreover, U Aung Sai and U Jimmy who were dismissed from the NSCN-K built the East Naga Defense Army (ENDA/ENNO).