CNI News

5 February 2024

The cultivation of winter rice is between 50,000 and 100,000 acres and there has been an increase in the yield, according to farmers. 

Because of the ability to sell the rain rice at a profitable price, the farmers used more inputs in planting winter rice. 

So, although about 70 baskets of rice paddy could be produced from an acre in the past, more than 100 baskets can be produced at present, U Thein Aung, chairman of the Farmers Development Association, told CNI News.

" Winter rice is grown in September and October. The cultivation area of winter rice in three townships _ Kyaunggon, Yegyi and Thabaung _ might be between 50,000 and 100,000 acres. The yield has increased as well. Although about 70 baskets of winter rice could be produced from one acre in the past, but now more than 100 baskets can be produced. The farmers have grown more winter rice," he said.  

The winter rice is grown most in Yegyi, Kyaunggon, Thabaung and Pathein Townships reportedly. However, because the irrigation system in those regions was shallow, during high tide, the water availability in the irrigation system was low, said the farmers.

 While seeing paddy fields

Because the rice paddy could be sold at a profitable price, farmers in some townships grow rice paddy again that could be harvested within 90 days, U Kyaw Aye, a farmer from Ayeyarwady Region, told CNI News.

" In the previous years, farmers didn't continue to grow rice. But now it's not like that anymore. As soon as the winter rice is harvested, they go on growing rice. They can harvest rice in April and May. They are cultivating rice with enthusiasm because they can sell rice at a profitable price. Many farmers have grown winter rice. The government needs to make a list of farmers who grow winter rice and should support them." he said.

There are 3,700,000 acres of rainfed rice cultivation, 100,000 acres of winter rice and 1,500,000 acres of summer rice in Ayeyarwady Region, according to the agricultural department.

At present, the price of 100 baskets of Shwebo Pawsan rice paddy is 2,600,000 kyats, and Ayeyarwady Pawsan is 2,400,000 kyats and other rough rice paddy such as Manaw Thukha, Sinthwe, Ayer Min, Pakham, Zeer, Bay Gyar and so on are from 1,800,000 to 1,900,000 kyats.