CNI News

1 Feb 2024

Democracy could not implemented by trying to hold election under the 2008 Constitution, said in the statement jointly released by the Karen National Union (KNU), the Chin National Front (CNF), the Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP) and the National Unity Government (NUG). 

The Tatmadaw that has taken power violated the provisions of the 2008 Constitution and so, the constitution had been illegal, said in the statement.

" According the 2008 Constitution, trying to hold election cannot implement democracy. But it legitimizes the coup and allows the Tatmadaw to rule the country for an unlimited period. The Tatmadaw must not be allowed to participate in the future political process. A new constitution of federal and democracy that can be accepted by all the stakeholders is needed for the implementation of self-determinism, national equal rights, democracy, peace and stability." said in the statement.  

While seeing the Defense Minister of the NUG

The state contained to abolish the 2008 Constitution for good, to combat any attempt that revives it and to draft and enact a constitution based on a federal and democratic system. Two general elections were held under the 2008 Constitution and democracy could be implemented, U Li Paw Reh, chairman of the Lisu National Development Party (Dulei Party), told CNI News.

" As we were able to implement democracy, from 2010 to 2020, two general elections were held for two governments. The democratic system must be practiced gradually. According to the current situation of Myanmar, some limitations are still needed. Our democracy is still young. There were inconveniences even in the last two elections. We have to change gradually to democracy." he said.

The statement described only their policies and the public would make a decision whether democracy could be implemented under the 2008 Constitution or not, U Kyi Myint, a Myanmar political commentator, told CNI News.

While seeing the NUG

" They have released their opinion. History will go depending on whom most of the people support. There are two kinds of the public support. One is asking for support by pointing guns at the people and the other is asking for help by holding democratic elections. Depending on the current situation, the public will make a decision." he said.

The State Administration Council has said that the census-taking would be conducted all over the country in 2024 and the State power would be handed over to the winning party after a general election had been held.