CNI News

31 January 2024

A staff from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the State Administration Council attended the ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Retreat held in Laos reportedly. 

The meeting started to be held on 29th January 2024. Myanmar and South China Sea issues would be mainly discussed, said Lao Foreign Minister Mr. Saleumxay Kommasith.

He said that sending a senior staff for the first time by the leaders of the Tatmadaw  who took the State power on 1st February 2021 to attend the ASEAN meeting that was being held in Luang Prabang, a Lao historic city, was a good sign, AP reported.

While seeing Myanmar delegate at the meeting of ASEAN Foreign Ministers on 29th January 2024

“This time we feel a little bit optimistic that the engagement may work, although we have to admit that the issues that are happening in Myanmar will not resolve overnight,” said Kommasith.

Myanmar has been barred from sending Foreign Minister or a political representative to ASEAN summit talks since the end of 2021.

However, Myanmar sent an official from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Daw Marlar Than Htike, to the meeting of ASEAN Foreign Ministers held in Laos, AP reported.

However, the SAC did not report about who was sent as a delegate to the meeting of ASEAN FMs.