CNI News

18 January 2024

The Kachin Independence Army (KIA) arrested 30 Shanni youths from Ton Bin Village near the border between Homalin Township, Sagaing Region and Mohnyin Township, Kachin State on the night of 16th January, said locals. 

Moreover, the KIA asked Shanni villages that are located along the bank of Indawgyi Lake to give 30 Shanni youths per village as recruits after summoning heads of the villages, said locals.

" Shanni youths from Ton Bin Village near the border of Homalin and Mohnyin Townships were arrested by the KIA. We still don't know where they are taken to. The KIA called the heads of the villages along the bank of Indawgyi Lake and told them to recruit 30 Shanni youths for the KIA. Why is the KIA recruiting Shanni youths? They have to recruit Kachin people. Will Shanni have to die for the KIA? Even if they die, the KIA will benefit. The Shanni people shouldn't remain calm like this. The Shanni nationalities need to support the Shanni organiations." said a local.

While seeing the SNA force

At present, Shanni people have built the Shanni Nationalities Army (SNA) and the SNA is striving to help build the Shanni State and to make the Shanni region peaceful and stable, and to make the nationalities enjoy equal rights as well as to be able to build a federal democratic union.

While the SNA is trying like this, the KIA is striving to control territories, supporting the People's defense Force with arms and ammunitions and attacking the SNA military camps in Sagaing Region and Kachin State, said Shanni organiations.

While seeing the KNA force

On the other hand, the Kuki National Army (KNA) arrested and killed 37 Shanni people from Thanan Village, Aung Zeya Town, Tamu Township, Sagaing Region on 24th November 2023. Moreover, the KNA arrested and killed four Shanni men who returned from a funeral on 13th January 2024.

Shanni organizations are demanding international community to protect Shanni people from being arrested, killed and recruited.