CNI News

12 January 2024

The current Myanmar government was trying for the national peace and stability, and national reconciliation, said Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing, Chairman of the State Administration Council (SAC), while meeting with the ASEAN Special Envoy Mr. Alounkeo Kittikhoun from Laos, rotating chairman of the ASEAN. 

Mr. Kittikhoun came to Myanmar and met and discussed with Sr.Gen Min Aung Hlaing, Chairman of the SAC, Myanmar FM U Than Swe, the National Solidarity and Peacemaking Negotiation Committee (NSPNC) Chairman Lt-Gen Yar Pyae including the seven NCA (the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement) signatories on 10th January 2024.

" Due to the occurrence of vote fraud in the 2020 multi-party democratic general election, the SAC had to take the responsibilities of the State. Armed terrorist attacks without a political solution to political differences arose. The SAC was trying for the national peace and stability, and national reconciliation." said Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing.

However, he did not reveal the details of what the SAC was doing for the national reconciliation. He explained that the Tatmadaw was trying hard to enable the country to walk firmly on the path of multi-party democracy and the SAC was carrying out for the State peace and development after laying down the five point roadmap.

The ASEAN Special Envoy is to meet with political parties on 12th January. The SAC's six month extension for the state of emergency will expire on 31st January and it will reshuffle the cabinet on that day.

Some EAOs have suggested Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing to form a transitional government or an interim government.However, they did not reveal which individuals should be included in the transitional government.